Notices and Adverts

Notices published in issue 5938 (February 14 2025) and in the two preceding issues


PARRY, David, Associate Member at All Saints Ryde on the Isle of Wight, sadly died on New Year’s Eve after a long illness. His funeral on 27 January was well attended. Our thoughts are with Joan, Jonathan and Sian. [1109]

COX, Barry, died on 24th January 2025 aged 82. He learnt to ring at Hampton, Middlesex, and was a member of the Kent Association for many years. He retired to Beverly in East Yorkshire and taught ringers at All Saints Driffield, where his funeral will be held on Monday 3rd March. A livestream link is being arranged.  Please contact if you would like the link, or to attend, especially if you would like to ring. [1111]

TUCKER, Sonia C (“Sonic”), formerly of Sheffield, Oxford and Winchester died January 2024 aged 50. Further details to follow or email Philip Gorrod [1108]

TUCKER, Sonia C (Sonic), formerly of Sheffield, Oxford and Winchester died January 2024 aged 50. We have only recently heard the sad news. Further details to follow or email Philip Gorrod 


Change of Address


“CHANGE RINGING”, by Wilfrid G Wilson. The Art and Science of Change Ringing on Church and Handbells. Payment with order – £14 (p&p free in UK) from Alison Williams. Tel: 07970 286577. Email:

For sale / wanted

University Announcements

Guild / Association Announcements

Tower Announcements

Weekday Meetings and Practices

Meetings on Wednesday January 8

LADIES’ GUILD SE District ADM at Marden, Kent (8). Business Meeting 3.15 pm, Ringing 4.15 to 5.15 pm. Everyone welcome. [1002]

Meetings on Saturday February 8

LADIES’ GUILD SE District ADM at Marden, Kent (8). Business Meeting 3.15pm, Ringing 4.15 to 5.15pm. Everyone welcome.  [1002]

Meetings on Saturday February 15

EDWNA There will be a meeting of the East Derbyshire and West Nottinghamshire Association of Church Bellringers on Saturday 15th of February between 3.00pm and 4.30 at the Church of St. Werburgh, Church Hill, Blackwell, Derbyshire, DE55 5HZ. Please note that this venue is different from the one quoted in the  Annual Report. Everybody is welcome. [1006]

Meetings on Saturday March 22


supporting the Little Bromley bell restoration project. 22 towers open.

Day tickets available – £25 on the day (cash only), £22 in advance, otherwise £2 per tower.

Contact Gavin Edwards for details. [1005]

BB BellBoard
Central Council of Church Bell Ringers