The Ringing World reaches several thousand bellringers every week. BellBoard reaches another several thousand regular users. Advertise today to spread your message. 

Printed advertising in The Ringing World

Download a copy of our rate card.

We offer death and funeral notices free of charge for ringers and people known to the ringing community.

Lineage (text-based, per word)

  • Ringing notices, events, meetings
  • Simple sales advertising
  • Personal messages
  • Upgrade to 'semi display' - we'll give you a little more space, with a box border and some formatting, and the option to add a picture or logo

Display adverts

From a ninth page to a full page, colour or black and white. 

We can help you design your advert. No charges on simple designs up to sixth-page size, or print-ready artwork at any size.

Advertising on BellBoard

Standard advertising on BellBoard starts at just £15 per month. Advertising is based on a percentage appearance on relevant page loads.  


Just contact the office on We can discuss your needs if you're not sure, or just email us with as many details of your notice request as possible and we'll get back to you within a day or two to confirm the final details. You should leave at least a week before the intended publication date where possible.

Approved Association account holders may send copy by email to – please ensure you include details of when the advert is to be published and which heading you would like it to appear under. You should also make it clear which part of your email is the required text for the notice.


We have a range of discounts available, particularly for regular advertisers and those willing to take out sets of adverts, and for packages including BellBoard. We give strong preference for discounts to those willing to advertise in the printed Ringing World.

Other services

  • Loose leaf inserts - packed with each issue of the Ringing World and also downloaded by online subscribers
  • Diary and Calendar - advertise in our annual Ringing World Diary and Calendar
  • Helping Hand deal - keep a short lineage ad running after a bigger campaign to keep awareness. Ideal for job vacancies. 
  • We also have packages for small companies with small budgets, e.g. lone traders who aren't looking to make a profit with their ringing-related product or service, or people just starting out.
BB BellBoard
Central Council of Church Bell Ringers